Neuromodulation: Medicine Evolving Through Technology
Del 6 al 11 de junio de 2015 se celebrará en Quebec (Canada), el 12º Congreso de la INS (International Neuromodulation Society) con el lema:» Neuromodulation: Medicine Evolving Through Technology«. En esta página podrán acceder a una información más detallada sobre este. .
Presentación del Presidente del Congreso
Transmitimos la carta de presentación que el Presidente del Congreso ha enviado a miembros y amigos de la INS:
Dear INS Members and Friends of the Society,
I am excited to communicate our upcoming plans for the INS 12th World Congress in Montreal, Canada. Please mark your calendars and make plans to join us June 6 – 11, 2015.
We have chosen the title “Neuromodulation: Medicine Evolving Through Technology,” to emphasize our field’s transformative force on the treatment of disease states –how it is approached now and will be approached in the not too distant future. We see almost daily reports in the mainstream media of innovation in the area of neuromodulation treating not only pain, but many conditions of the cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, urological and other systems. This meeting will mark an important time for our field. The emergence of the “digital drug” and the next evolution in healthcare.
This innovative and exciting meeting will showcase leading edge research from our colleagues in the Canadian Neuromodulation Society and INS members from around the globe. We have chosen a venue that will be appreciated by both the scientifically minded and the families and friends who are looking for an enjoyable adventure. The Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel is central to Montreal’s cultural activities, gourmet offerings, and action packed atmosphere. I am very excited about this venue and am convinced that it will be one of the most enjoyable location we have experienced in our storied history.
I encourage you to submit your scientific work, create posters, participate in debate, and find new ways to help the many patients afflicted with disease by attending and participating in this important meeting. The abstract submission deadline is January 12, 2015.
Along with the members of the executive committee including Drs. Simon Thomson, Marc Russo, Fabian Piedimonte, and Robert Levy, we wish you well. We also look forward to discussing the future of the field with you in upcoming national, regional and international meetings this year.
See you all in Montreal.
Timothy Deer, MD
President-Elect, INS
Chair, 2015 INS Congress
“Neuromodulation: Medicine Evolving Through Technology”
INS 12th World Congress in Montreal, Canada; June 6 – 11, 2015
June 6 Pre-Conference
Innovations in Neuromodulation*
June 7 Pre-Conference
Fundamentals of Neuromodulation and Mechanisms of Action
June 8-11 Main Congress
«Neuromodulation: Medicine Evolving Through Technology,» including neurostimulation for pain, epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, movement disorders, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, cardiac disorders, peripheral vascular disease, uropelvic disorders, functional electrical stimulation for hearing and eye sight loss, stroke, and quadriplegia.
Soy Cirujano De Columna Vertebral de un Hospital de referencia nacional en Managua Nicaragua estoy interesado en participar de su congreso a realizarse en Canada quisiera mayor informacion al respecto siempre con el fin de poder mantenerme actualizado y compartir mis experiencias con ustedes y alimentarme de las suya les agradeceria me responda este email hasta pronto.