En esta sección se ponen a disposición de todos los usuarios y pacientes, una lista de publicaciones relacionadas con la Cirugía de Columna en los que han participado activamente miembros del equipo médico de la Unidad de Neurocirugía
Morfología de la lámina aracnoidea espinal humana
M. A. Reina, A. Prats-Galino A, R. G. Sola, A. Puigdellívol-Sánchez, R. Arriazu Navarro, J. A. De Andrés
OBJETIVOS: Se ha demostrado que las moléculas inyectadas en el espacio epidural pasan desde éste al espacio subaracnoideo por difusión simple a través de la pared del saco dural. Nuestro objetivo fue estudiar la ultraestructura de células de la lámina aracnoidea y tipo de uniones especializadas responsables del efecto barrera que gobierna el tránsito de moléculas a través del saco dural humano.
MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se estudiaron catorce muestras de la lámina aracnoidea obtenidas de dos pacientes durante intervenciones con apertura del saco dural lumbar. Las muestras se trataron con glutaraldehido, tetróxido de osmio, ferrocianuro, acetona, e incluyeron en resina. Los cortes ultrafinos se contrastaron con citrato de plomo, para poder ser observados con un microscopio electrónico de transmisión.
RESULTADOS: La lámina aracnoidea posee un espesor de 35-40 μm. En su porción externa se hallan células neuroteliales del compartimento subdural, mientras que su porción interna está formada por un plano celular de 5-8 μm de espesor, constituido por la superposición de 4-5 células aracnoideas que forman la capa barrera. El espacio intercelular de este plano fue de 0,02-0,03 μm. Entre las células aracnoideas se encontraron uniones especializadas de membrana de tipo desmosomas y uniones estrechas.
CONCLUSIONES: Las células aracnoideas poseen carac- terísticas estructurales que aseguran la función barrera del saco dural humano y no ocupan todo el espesor de la lámina aracnoidea, sólo su porción interna. La presencia de uniones especializadas de membrana entre sus células justifica la permeabilidad selectiva de esta lámina.
Tratamiento de un caso de temblor esencial con estimulación subtalámica
V. Hernando-Requejo, J. Pastor, M. Pedrosa-Sánchez, A. Luengo-Dos Santos, R.G. SolaResumen:
Chronic stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) has proved itself to be useful in treating Parkinson’ s disease and especially in dealing with the tremor suffered by patients. Yet there is very little experience to support the use of STN as an alternative therapy in non-Parkinsonian tremors. Case report. Our study considered the case of a patient who had been diagnosed as suffering from drug-resistant essential tremor which was predominant in the distal region of the upper right limb and was treated by unilateral stimulation of the STN. The patient’s clinical state improved significantly from the first weeks onwards. After a year and a half of therapy, the patient had achieved a stable improvement of 82.4% on the tremor scale and medication was reduced by 41.7%. Conclusions. SNT stimulation appears as a suitable target for the treatment of drug- resistant essential tremor. [REV NEUROL 2004; 38: 637-9]
Palabras clave. Deep brain stimulation. Essential tremor. Subthalamic nucleus.Reconstrucción de la columna toracolumbar inestable: resultados clínicos y neurorradiológicos de un desafío quirúrgico
J.M. Pascual-Garvi, E. García-Navarrete, F. Ruiz-Grande, J. Duarte, J.L. Martínez-Chacón,M.L. Meilán-Paz, C. Castrillo-Cazón, L. Fernández-Fresno, R. Manzanares-Soler, R.G. Sola
Surgical treatment for thoracolumbar union instability represents a challenge, due to the difficult access to this area of the spine, and to the extreme variability of morphological and biomechanical lesions observed. Aim. To describe the indications and clinical and neuroradiological results obtained with procedures of anterior or combined spinal fusion-instrumentation used for the treatment of instable thoracolumbar lesions. Patients and methods. 17 patients with thoracolumbar instability were treated surgically, being followed-up at least for one year. Causes of instability were classified in three groups: (i) fractures or fracture-luxations (n = 7), (ii) pathologic fractures following tumoral invasion (n = 6) and (iii)infectious or degenerative spondylodiscitis (n = 5). In order to carry out the substitution of the injured vertebral body an anterior approach to the thoracolumbar union was performed in all cases, using a modified technique of thoracophrenolaparotomy in which the diaphragmatic dome was not incised. Depending on the number of columns of Denis damaged, the vertebral corpectomy was followed by either an anterolateral or a combined spinal fusion-instrumentation. Results. Pain in standing position was eliminated postoperatively in 83%. Neurological deficits were improved in 50% of cases. Surgical mortality was null and transient postoperative complications occurred in 11.7% of patients, but no lung atelectasis or respiratory infections were observed. Conclusions. Chronic pain associated to thoracolumbar instability can be treated successfully by substitution
of the damaged vertebral body followed by anterior or combined spinal fusion-instrumentation. Thoracophrenolaparotomy without division of the diaphragm is feasible and it reduces the morbidity associated to postoperative respiratory complications.
[REV NEUROL 2005; 40: 3-18]
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